
1. Mom brings in a 2-year old girl. The girl has been having a green runny nose for three days. She has been running a low grade fever (under 100). She is eating (though not as much as usual), sleeping, and still playing. She also attends daycare. Physical exam reveals mild nasal congestion; lungs are clear, eardrums look normal. Do you:
a) (Easy) prescribe amoxicillin for "sinusitis" so she can go back to day care and prevent mom from calling you in 3 days to say, "she's still not better!"
b) (Hard) let mom know that green rhinorrhea does not necessarily mean a bacterial infection, particularly in an upper respiratory infection of a few days with no other significant symptoms (e.g., fever, lethargy, findings on physical exam); explain that antibiotics are not indicated, discuss the role of over-the-counter remedies, encourage fluids, rest, nasal saline drops, and a humidifier or vaporizer; and ask that the mom call back in a few days if symptoms have not improved or if she is worsening.
2. Dad brings in a 6-year old boy. The boy was reportedly diagnosed with asthma by another pediatrician 4 years ago. He takes albuterol in a nebulizer when he gets sick. His "breathing attacks" consist of a junky rattle in his chest with coughing. He has no problems with breathing or coughing when he is not sick. He is now out of albuterol and wants a refill. On exam, his lungs are clear. Do you:
a) (Easy) write the refill and send them on their way
b) (Hard) explain that his current condition sounds more like a simple cold than an asthma attack; advise the father to use a humidifier at nighttime, watch the child's breathing for signs of retractions or respiratory distress; educate about the side effects of albuterol; and hold the refill unless symptoms change or progress
c) (Very Hard) same as "b" but also perform pulmonary function tests in your office to more definitively evaluate the symptoms; go over the results with dad and explain what it means and why
I could go on, but you get the idea. The Hard choices are good medicine; they bring the patient into the care, produce better outcomes, educate for the future, and are supported by clinical data and experience. But the Hard choices take time. They rarely, if ever, lead to better reimbursement (in fact, according to proper CPT coding, the simple act of writing a prescription can potentially increase the "complexity" of the visit and lead to mo' money; therefore, the education costs me both time and money!). Some patients don't want the education; they just want the prescription (this is called "convenience," and it's why CVS is betting that people will prefer to go to a nurse practitioner in a minute clinic instead of their regular doctor; it's not the best care, but that's irrelevant...)
It's been said that our current system therefore rewards mediocrity. Pay-for-performace (P4P) clearly isn't the answer, if only because "performance" means different things...and to a payor, it usually means "saving money." "Quality" is much more difficult to define, or at least measure.
I've heard that we should let the free market decide. Lawyers are free to charge whatever they want. The best lawyers charge the most. Can't afford it? Don't like it? Fine, see a cheaper lawyer. You'll get adequate representation. Which is fine for drawing up a will or contesting a small claim. Is that acceptable for multi-million dollar liability lawsuits? How about first-degree murder cases? Without giving an answer to that question, let's extend it to medicine. Yes, I know, concierge care is already a small example of this taking place. Does this mean that the poor are effectively excluded from the best care? Is that fair? Is that just? Is that simply the consequence of a capitalistic health care system?
Easy and hard, indeed. No answers here, not yet. Perhaps the lack of standardized incentives is actually an advantage: let everyone determine for themselves what they really do want. You want a quick scrip and no fuss? Find a doctor like that, or go to a minute clinic. You want 24-7 concierge care and 2-hour visits? Fine, just pony up. You want a doctor that takes time to listen, offers quality care, matches your personality? Listen through the grapevine and see who your friends and neighbors recommend. Don't like Doctor A? Go see Doctor B, maybe she's better. Everyone gets paid, everyone gets what they want--or at least compromises to get "good enough". So maybe the status quo is the best idea after all.
Awesome post!
I think you're right that it's all about matching the needs/personalities of the patient and the doctor, but I plead for a little bit of understanding about the draw of the prescription, especially in your first example.
In your first example, for example, perhaps the parent has taken a day off work for the appointment and faces a few more days off work if her daughter isn't well enough to go back to daycare. If the amoxicillin helps the daughter get better faster and helps the family get back into the routine which pays its medical bills, what's the most significant criteria of medical necessity?
dr mary--
thank you!
the problem in the first encounter is that, in all likelihood, the amoxicillin won't help the child get any better faster. Given the scenario I described, more than 9 times out of 10 the child has a simple, viral cold that will get better on its own; the amoxicillin will be nothing more than a placebo. But it's actually worse than a placebo, because the amoxicillin can have side effects (stomach upset/diarrhea, yeast infection, allergic reaction or other drug-induced rash). Not to mention the bacteria getting a "taste" of the amoxicillin and becoming more resistant, which means less chance of the plain old amox working next time, and needing to go through multiple rounds of antibiotics (and with stronger ones more apt to cause side effects) next time when it's REALLY needed.
But many parents don't want to hear all of what I just told you. They just think "green snot=antibiotics" and are convinced that the pediatrician, by not prescribing, is just being mean and doesn't understand.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, the CDC, and other groups have published clinical guidelines which indicate when antibiotics are helpful and when they are not. In this case, they are not medically necessary, and in fact, potentially harmful. As useful as antibiotics can be, they still don't do squat against a common cold.
All of that being said, when I tell parents that the antibiotic is not needed, I make sure I next tell them (1) what they CAN do to make their child feel better, and (2) what to look for that might signal things are changing for the worse (in which case antibiotics might THEN be needed).
Thanks for the response.
I think for many parents (myself included) the problem is that even if the antibiotic is just a placebo, it's a placebo that seems to work. My own 20 month old was only on amoxicillin once for an ear infection (and I thought long and hard about whether he should have an antibiotic or not), and he was a different person 24 hours after starting the drug--symptoms of sinusitis included.
It would be hard to talk me out of wanting a prescription for my child if I really felt like it was needed, but I like to think I would respond if my doctor chose the hard path (especially if she pointed me to a place where I could read about CDC and APP guidelines myself if I wanted to do some research on my own).
I would like to use this for the next edition of Pediatric Grand Rounds. Please email me awesome_mom2061 AT yahoo DOT com if I have your permission to use it. Thanks!
Maybe there should be a code for that kind of counselling. I would think that wiser parents/patients would make for fewer office visits and prescriptions. So while they might compensate more for an initial educational visit, they would end up paying less.
I'm not sure that insurance companies can sponsor education that preaches fewer visits and less medication. That might be seen as a conflict of interest. But they can support efforts by medical professionals to do so.
The glich I've run into is: 1) no work, no pay - no work, no health insurance - no trips to see the Dr!
2) child can't go to daycare and be administered tylenol without a note from the Dr.
So for the icky green-nosed cold, how about a note to daycare explaining the situation and 'prescribing' the tylenol. Not sure if it will work in every state....
The heck of it is that if the kid gets antibotics then they can go back to daycare after a certain number of hours on it, even if that's not going to solve the problem.
You have been tagged. See http://rebeldoctor.blogspot.com/2007/06/8-random-facts-meme.html
Michael Rack
If I were the patient in scenario #1, the doc would probably find it easier NOT to prescribe antibiotics. Also as a patient and a mom, I am, more often than not, relieved when I am told that what my son has is a virus that will go away on its own rather than have him be on antibiotics.
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ツイッターで出 合 いを求めるのです。気の合う異性と交流して楽しいひと時をお過ごしください。登録無料で使えるので気軽さは100点満点!
Quite worthwhile piece of writing, lots of thanks for the article.
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